Zwaantje Boskma

Birth Name Zwaantje Boskma
Gender female
Age at Death 88 years, 1 month, 27 days


Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Birth 1897-04-13 Wouterswoude, Friesland  
Death 1985-06-10 Brantford, Ontario  


Relation to main person Name Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Tjomme Jacobs Boskma
Mother Tjitske Edzes Dijkstra
         Zwaantje Boskma


    Family of Pieter Hamstra and Zwaantje Boskma
Married Husband Pieter Hamstra
Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Marriage 1922-05-21    
Event Note

"Ik wyt noch dat wy mei de hynstetram nei Moarmwâld ta gienen dart jimme heit en mem doe trouden op it gemeenthûs en dernei gienen wy mei koetsen mei hynders der foar nei Driesum ta want der waard de brulloft hâlden by Tsjomme-Tsjits (en wy mochten sa folle iten as wy mar wy mar woenen. In hiel grut feest wier dat!"
- Adzer Hamstra, letter to Tjitske Westera, p7, June 20, 1995 (Frisian language).

English translation:
"I still remember that we went with a horse-drawn tram to Murmerwoude when your father and mother married at the municipal hall. Afterward we went with horse-drawn carriages to Driesum, because that is where the wedding feast was held at Tsjomme and Tsjits. (We could eat as much as we wanted.) It was a really big party!"

Adzer Hamstra was a half brother of Pieter Hamstra (1898-1980).
Tjitske Westera (1924-2016) was the oldest child of Pieter Hamstra and Zwaantje Boskma.
Tsjomme-Tsjits refers to Tjomme Boskma and Tjitske Dijkstra, parents of Zwaantje Boskma.

  1. Jacob Hamstra



  1. Tjomme Jacobs Boskma
    1. Tjitske Edzes Dijkstra
      1. Zwaantje Boskma
        1. Pieter Hamstra
          1. Jacob Hamstra


Source References

  1. Dantumadeel Geboorteregister
      • Page: 1897: A102